Business Summary

CyberTech corporation ltd.

Business Summary

We provide [Collect / Accumulate / Utilize]

[OneSource Multiuse] is used to be application filed that unifies the original data by using XML and uses in multipurpose.
It is attracting more attentions in recent years due to the increase of intended purpose by the appearance of ipad and Smartphone.

CyberTech can achieve [OneSource multiuse] that will be preceded idealistic theory and difficult to achieve, by making full use of XML database advantage (High-flexibility).
In fact, in the real sense of the term "arrangement of in-house information" will be feasible.


Any information such as Scattered in-house data and external information can be collected in XML format that is flexible data format.


XML data that needs to be accumulated as information source can be managed by XML database. It can be managed by various line-up of database software based on the usage scenes.


There is no point to accumulate and manage data if it will not be used. It can be re-utilized with XML advantages in various ways such as Web composition to printing, DVD media, iPad or smart phone.

We provide [Collect / Accumulate / Utilize]

Advantage in executing [Collect / Accumulate / Utilize] of in-house information

If the company is outputting in-house data manually to catalog and web, following improvement effects will be produced by systemization:

1. No human error during copying and pasting from original data (Secure output).
Risks such as pasting data wrongly, data gap during copying will be eliminated.

2. Output data in real time by system without any interference (Speed-up)
Outputting data manually takes some time even with many manpower. However it can be done instantly by systemization.

3. Expand business opportunity by reducing operation cost (Improvement of profitability)
Not only reducing operation cost but also increasing business opportunity by expanding business area to latest terminals such as iPad / Smartphone.

CyberTech is going to achieve above missions for company-user to contribute society through Information Technology.

Business overview

1.Providing XML DBMS (XML Database Management System)

We solve required high-flexible data management at work site by using XML Technology and Database Management System.

Existing Database Management System is used when search and manage are difficult (High development cost)

Document Data Management

Configurable documents such as Manuals, adhesive terms and conditions and educational materials will be converted into components and given a meaning by tags and managed by XML database. Content of document can be utilized to other document and revision can be managed easily.

Manual/Contract/Collection/Catalog/ISO document/Journal/Package insert/Financial statements/Design standard

Complicated Data Management

There are many kinds of [Complicated data] that have various product specification data and hierarchic structure. XML database is suitable for these kind of complicated data and it is used as consolidated database to unify the management of parts, product specs and so on.

PIM/PDM/BOM/Web catalog/CMS/EMS/CRM/DAM/CTI/One source-Multiuse/DTP/Facilities management

XML Data Management

There are many kinds of XML standard format in various industries for the purpose of passing data effectively in between different information systems. XML database that can store these different standard data will be a huge XML data storage that stores industry-wide standard business data.


Defacto standard product of XML DB best suited to manage document that easy-to-use even for beginner

In-memory XML DB best suited for large-scale system that has wide tuning range and can be scaleout

No.1 share in fourth Consecutive year

2.Providing web integration and IT outsourcing services.

Cebu High quality coding

Our outsourcing base (Philippines - Cebu) achieved [Low cost, Japan-quality, support large-sized] HTML coding. We provide wide-range of service from PC to Smartphone.

Web integration


we provide development of various multi-media content such as Web content management system, web/electric-book, and IT Outsourcing service such as HTML coding / alternate website management service, banner creation and so on.
※WCM:Web Content Management


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